Don’t you just hate it when you send out an estimate blast and half of the messages you sent out come back with an error, but yet you’re still charged anyway?
Well, I’m going to show you guys how to fix that by setting up SMS validation, and also how to remove the contacts from all the campaigns so you don’t continue to get charged going forward.
So you may have sent a SMS in the past and have gotten a bunch of errors, such as 30003, 30005, or 30007, depending on what the error message is. And maybe you’re tired of paying Twilio for these.
Twilio will still charge you if the destination was unreachable, depending on the circumstance, and you’ll have to pay for all those texts. We’ve seen up to 40%, 50%, and 60% undeliverable before.
So this is super, super important and the fee is very nominal in the terms SMS validation I’m about to show you.
4 steps for turning on SMS validation
So here are five steps for turning on SMS validation. Basically, what’s going to happen is we’re going to tell the system to check and make sure it’s totally in line before we text any messages to it.
Step 1
Go to agency settings, which is the little blue button, to go to agency view in your HighLevel account. If you don’t already have an account, you get a free 14-day trial using this link.
OK, so you’re going to go to your agency settings and there’s a little button called Twilio. Now you can turn this on per account. It is going to charge you per account as well, so it validates each one at one time. And all you have to do is turn that on and set that toggle.
Step 2
What you want to do now is to set up your trigger for your errors. Add a new trigger and call it “Twilio validation error” and save it.
In the drop down box where you’re asked which event should trigger this utomation, select Twilio Validation Error, and this is going to run based on the Twilio Look-Up response, before sending an SMS or making a call. Number validation has enabled an ABC Twilio.
Step 3
Then if you want to add a filter, you can actually filter it if you want to, based on SMS incapable, which would be like a landline, or it’s just not a valid phone number altogether. Or you can just leave that off of there depending on your business processes.
Step 4
Now for the next step of our Twilio validate phone number tutorial… At this point, you’re going to have three options:
- You can either mark them as DND. So, add on the right hand side. Set the contact DND enable. Caveat to this, it is also going to stop emailing them as well.
- If you don’t want to stop emailing them, you’re going to have to do a little workaround. What you can do is remove them from the campaign, or you can remove them from all campaigns. And then this will move them from literally everything they’re in right now, again, depending on your setup.
- Or, you can add a contact tag and name it “badnumber”, for example. Then in the future, you can exclude this tag when you’re sending out your blast in your future campaigns.
Then you’re going to want to test this. I would not enable it all at once on every single account you ever have. I would just try it on one problem account, see how it’s working for you and adjust from there, before you go haywire and do it to every single account that you have.
OK, so that’s how you enable the estimates and for no validation in Twilio and HighLevel. You can signup for Twilio and get $10 free with this link.
And if you don’t already have an account, you get a free 14 day trial using this link.
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