Welcome to how to close three SaaS clients
in 10 days
with a Paulson Thomas HighLevel,
I am super pumped to have all of you guys
on this today and I think it’s going to be
amazing and Paulson if you guys
don’t know him, I’m sure you do.
But if you don’t,
he is like the official training guy is
the old guy prospecting guy or
the HighLevel team, and he is amazing.
So I’m I’m honored that he
agreed to do this here today.
And I’m also honored that all
of you guys hopped on to watch.
And if you guys need any other special
gift for you, also,
we’re going to give you all the prospect
that he uses and his agency to get SaaS
clients, as well as a free 30 day trial
of SaaS mode, even if you’re
already HighLevel user.
That’s right.
Well, let me also give you
guys some context to myself.
I started off in health care
as a health care executive.
I ran a small little hospitals like
Memorial Hermann and Baylor UT
Southwestern in the Texas area.
That’s where I started
my career really in radiology.
Radiology is where basically you’re
in the imaging side of health care
and my love for imaging got me
into photography and videography and
that turned me into liking social media.
Next thing I know,
I started getting pinged with ads about
social media management,
all this, yada, yada, yada stuff.
This is like 2014.
So I decided to piss off my wife
for the very first time and spend my first
thousand dollars on a course that she
didn’t approve, thanks to Mr.
Tyler Lopez back in 2013, I think.
And I bought that course.
And the rest is history.
I came home like six months later,
told my wife I’m quitting
my health care executive career.
My MBA is going to be a waste
apparently at that point.
And it was just it was chaotic.
It was chaotic for marriage,
life, family life.
But I knew something.
I knew there was something
to this agency space.
I knew there was a business here.
I knew there was an industry here.
I felt confident to jump off of that cliff
and make an airplane on the way down.
Like a lot of you know,
I’ll tell you, I struggled.
I struggled so hard from 2014,
probably for the first like two years,
I would say I struggled and I picked one
of the most saturated industries
back then as well, which was dental.
And I thought, you know what,
I can run hospitals.
I can definitely run an outpatient
clinic with one dentist.
Boy, was I wrong.
I was wrong because the the amount
of prospecting that it takes
to attract a dental client.
The landscape of marketing is what I was
wrong about, not the clinical stuff.
I still think the clinical
stuff is not that hard,
although there’s a lot
of complexity there.
But long story short,
what I want to share with you guys today
is a little bit about the struggles that I
went through for like two years
before I got to five clients.
That’s reality.
That was my first reality by then I got
credit card bills,
I’m in debt and I’m trying to figure out
what is this whole social
media management thing?
It was it was tough.
then twenty sixteen to like twenty
eighteen, I realized, oh, I’ve got
to have this massive sales machine.
Everything is about sales.
It’s not about the fulfillment.
So by then Christine will probably tell
you, you know, one of the biggest ways you
learn and grow in the space
is by going to events.
It’s so big for me.
Taking courses.
Yes, there’s hundreds of bad courses.
But I still took them and took action on
the small things that I learned from it.
Even if I found them somewhere or not
shared it with other people,
it doesn’t matter.
I got action behind the content.
So that was the second thing.
But more I went into learning
more about growing an agency.
I realized everything was around sales.
It wasn’t about fulfillment.
It’s not about all the automations in.
There’s great people out there
that provide so much expertize,
just like Christine does.
But ultimately, your pipeline,
the condition of your pipeline is what’s
going to really build your business,
not your fulfillment.
Your fulfillment doesn’t even matter.
Because you have enough money.
If the client paid you to go get
fulfillment done,
if you charge enough, obviously.
So so you can be resourceful there.
But today I want to share with you guys.
What I’m doing today as far as my newest
agency and what I’m prospecting,
how I’m putting together
my offers and things like that.
Twenty eighteen, Rob and Alex reached out
and we were like, hey, Robin was really,
you know, what’s his play was
really full with HighLevel stuff.
And then he had his own
agency at the time.
So I came in and partnered up with them
and took over his agency, which eventually
turned into the HighLevel agency.
Everything you see behind Marketplace
and stuff like that is
all from our own agency.
Now, what I’ll tell you is this
twenty eighteen to the nineteen, twenty,
twenty and twenty twenty one was great
right at that point this
last year I got bored.
I missed the agency game.
I was like, man, I miss cold calling.
I need to get my juices flowing again.
So I reached out to a good old friend
of mine in Canada and Toronto and I
was like, Louise, what’s going on?
How is everything?
I miss the agency space.
Can I just close for you?
I just want to close.
I just want to be on calls.
Doing the old demos,
doing the old prospecting just
because I love Seale so much.
Then he was like, hey man, I’m struggling.
I’m in the restaurant space,
but I’m struggling because a cold.
But I got wiped out.
Let’s start a new agency together.
So we decided to partner up and be fifty
fifty partner of a brand new
agency in the automotive space.
Don’t go final asking me right.
Automotive space.
And I realized a whole new way
of marketing, a whole
new way of prospecting.
So what I’m going to share with you today,
I know that’s a long intro,
but what I’m going to share with you is
all the mistakes that I made from the very
first launch, then scaling the HighLevel
agency bome really me and Rob until almost
like five, six hundred clients.
That’s its own beast.
Then the newest agency with less than five
clients right now in the automotive space.
You guys excited for that?
Like, yes, I want to know cool.
There’s a lot of misconceptions about
SaaS, I’ll tell you that,
you know, you really can’t function
truly like a software company.
I get that.
But why do I think agencies are
the perfect SaaS providers?
One, because you understand the industry.
You’re in the thick of things
with that industry.
Compared to like this big brand software
brand that’s catering like a global crowd.
You’re in the thick of things
with the local client.
That’s one reason.
Plus, you have marketing expertize where
developers don’t have marketing expertize.
You as a marketer, you have that expertize
so guess what if I were to start
a business, let’s say,
with Caitlin Cunningham and she is
the business owner, I can literally spend
time with their get to know
her and jump on a Zoom call.
Well, where big Fortune 500 companies
brands cannot do that
with that business owner.
So that’s that’s a big
competitive advantage.
The next thing, you don’t need
a lot of clients to do really well.
You don’t have big quotas.
You don’t have a big,
massive 100 man team behind you.
Typically, on average,
most agencies out there.
So you’re very agile and you can build
up offers and all kinds of stuff.
So let me start sharing my screen with you
guys, and I’m going to go right through
these slides to keep our
conversation organized, by the way.
This is not that formal to me, guys,
interrupt me any time putting me on there,
we can stop talking about everything
we’re planning on talking about.
We won’t talk about
whatever you have going on.
At the end of the day,
I just want to give you value, OK?
And by the way, we’ve got nothing
to sell you just just in case.
If you didn’t know, OK,
you guys are already paying us at some
point in HighLevel or Christine,
her programs and things like that.
This is for you to be able to take
something away from today
and go take action behind it.
OK, so let’s see how we can see if we can
help you close three SaaS
clients in the next ten days.
That sounds like such a strong statement,
but I actually think we should have been
even more aggressive in saying let’s have
you close 10 SaaS clients in the next five
days, but I don’t want to do that right.
I don’t want to be that aggressive.
But I do think it’s realistic for you
to close some clients in the next couple
of days and pay for your accounts.
Wouldn’t it be great if you can just pay
for your accounts and you don’t have any
expenses right out of the gate for SaaS?
That’ll be awesome, right.
So let’s go into figuring
out how to do that for you.
So three three main
topics I want to cover.
OK, just to keep
the conversation organized.
How to get started on SaaS
on the right foot, right?
What is what do you do today?
What is the next step?
I understand the concept Paulson.
I understand that I should go.
So I understand all these things.
What is my first step?
OK, second, I want to talk
about this prospecting.
I want to talk about prospecting
in four different channels.
OK, then.
Third, I don’t want to spend too much time
on this, but I will talk about actual
sales calls, how you should
carry your sales calls.
OK, so step one,
what do you do?
Number one thing,
you got to make some decisions and some of
these decisions are not that attractive.
Why don’t chase multiple
rabbits at the same time?
What does that mean?
You need to pick a single niche.
Why is that so important?
It’s important because if you don’t,
you have to create multiple sets
of marketing approach
to attract multiple sets of prospects.
So let me give you another example.
It’s OK if you decide to pick an industry
with the intention that you’re going to go
into the sub niches of that industry.
For example, if I’m going to focus
on dentistry, which is the space that I
used to be in, I’m not going to go after
dentists, general pediatricians,
you know, orthopedics orthodontist.
Invisalign guys, I’m not going to go
after all of them at the same time.
I’m just going to go after one
with the intention that I’m going
to horizontally expand you guys with me.
So it’s really a temporary step where I’m
saying, hey, focus on one avatar, stick
it out till you start closing some deals.
Right, stick it out until you close some
deals, even if it takes
a couple of months.
It’s OK.
It’s totally OK, you’re not missing out
by not going to broad,
there’s such it’s a slippery slope to go
abroad and not capture really anything or
not have any, you know, what’s the word
you may not resonate with almost anybody.
That’s a worse scenario.
So first things first.
Pick a single nesh.
The next thing you got to do
is capture that entire nesh.
How many of you have already picked
Aneesh, give me a one in the chat if
you’ve already selected a single niche.
OK, I see some comments coming in.
Perfect for all of you that have picked
those niches
out. Do you have the data
on that industry?
Have you called a email broker? Have you
talked to somebody that’s going to scrape
that entire industry for you? Have you
signed up for software
that’s going to give you name,
phone number, email of that industry? Now,
why is that important?
If you look at this whole SaaS
launch as a science project?
You have independent variables.
You have dependent variables.
You with me, right.
The size of the industry and who’s
in it almost always won’t change.
Yeah, there’s some new
people here and there.
But ultimately, in the overall scheme
of things, the the data
on the industry won’t change.
So what that means is it’s
good to just capture the data.
You can run it on custom audiences
running ads for your guys.
You can have your call, the emails
being sent out to that same list.
You can have LinkedIn
prospecting happening.
And we’ll talk about all these details.
But ultimately, the second step is for you
to just capture that entire
industry in it.
Shouldn’t cost you more than five
hundred dollars to do that, by the way.
You can get on Fiverr and find somebody
that’ll simply just scrape
that industry for you.
The third part,
this is where all my marketing,
my all my fellow marketing
agencies are screwing up.
And I love you guys.
Guess what we’re not good at?
We’re not good at putting
up offers for ourselves.
We’re great at putting
offers for our clients.
What do we tell our
clients every single time?
Your offer is not that strong, Buddy Will.
We’ll be happy to guarantee
some results for you.
But just so you know,
your offer is not strong.
That’s exactly what we say to our clients.
But if you put a put a mirror
in that scenario and look at yourself
and decide on an industry offer,
it’s very difficult for us
to come up with an offer.
About the best thing that I
see people do is like Mern.
I’m going to do a lead magnet bror like,
no, you’re clients don’t
want to leave Magnet.
Sorry, I’m a little passionate this
morning about this, right,
like your clients don’t want the least
strongest offer you can
possibly put together.
We know it’s not the strongest.
So formally an offer that makes sense.
Now, number for you guys
are going to laugh.
And I’m not telling you guys to go
sell something you don’t believe in.
I’m not telling you
to unethically sell anything.
But for right now, ignore fullfillment.
Your fulfillment doesn’t matter at all.
Yes, I know they have to be on board.
Yes, I know they have to get
some value out of it.
I get all of that.
But when you break up this whole
acquisition process into a streamline,
the first thing you need to focus is
the prospecting engine,
not your fulfillment engine.
Give me a one.
Be honest here, guys.
Give me a one.
If you are so focused on the fulfillment
piece that it’s been stopping you
from jumping into the sales piece, right.
That’s literally what I found myself
doing from two thousand 14 to 16.
Sounds crazy, I was trying to figure out
all the possible dental offers out there,
how do I win their hearts?
That was my intention
for like a year and a half.
There is no right answer.
There really isn’t, because what
the market is dynamic,
it’s constantly moving,
it’s constantly changing, so you don’t
have to chase the market either, right.
What I want you guys to focus on is
just the prospecting and sales piece.
Now, once you start closing
couple of deals, right.
You may want to buy
whatever Christine has.
Or any other ecosystems that are out there
that’s going to help you with your SaaS
launch or launching
yourself within the system.
There’s already SaaS.
What is it?
The plan configurator.
That’s going to help you set up and your
clients are going to tell you what’s
wrong with then what’s good about it.
And you can formulate your
fulfillment as you go.
Before I go into offers exact offers
that I think a lot of you should run,
right here is a pricing model that I
think a lot of you should consider.
I’ve been hearing a few complaints about
some ecosystems and brands out there
that are giving away HighLevel.
But reality is that most of you don’t
understand the business models behind it.
Here’s what’s really happening, right?
How many of you guys seem
like lifetime deals?
How many have you seen HighLevel
out there for ten dollars.
And you’re like, dude,
why is this guy undercutting the market?
But in reality, most of us are
not really paying attention.
Like, did you actually go buy everything
and confirm what their real offer is?
When we look at these ecosystems,
there is a significant difference between
a gateway offer and a core offer.
Right, your core offer is the two ninety
seven set up with two ninety seven
monthly, I recommend two
hundred to five hundred.
And the reason why I don’t recommend
people going below that is because
most of you haven’t ran paid ads yet.
You’ll see how expensive paid ads become.
So you want to set up that margin
for acquisition in paid ad.
So that’s why I think you should charge
somewhere around two
hundred to five hundred.
Otherwise, if it’s below that, you’re,
you’re going to eat into your money
that initial first month’s income.
So anyways you have the core offer
and you have the gateway offer.
Your marketing is going to be
all around your gateway offer.
Right, that’s where you get agile
with your marketing, you guys with me
so far, is this making sense?
I’m assuming most of you are familiar with
the SaaS model and why SaaS is important.
I don’t want to talk about why
SaaS is important for your agency.
Anybody needs me to clarify that.
I’m going to assume most of you understand
SaaS you just trying to figure
out what to do about it, right?
OK, cool.
All right, perfect.
So you have a core offer and you
have the maintenance offer, right?
Maintenance is where you can
sell your professional services.
I’m not saying stop selling your Seale
and Facebook ads and Google ads.
I’m just saying don’t depend on it anymore
like we normally used
to in this in the agency space.
Your book of business is not healthy
with just professional services alone
because SaaS clients typically stick
it out with you for many years.
That’s the difference.
It’s subscription versus retainer.
Netflix will win over all of our agencies.
They have a subscription.
Right, so there is a reason why SaaS
is so important to your agency offers.
So let’s talk about some of the latest
gateway offers I’ve seen.
Now, remember.
This is where you got to put your real
marketing hat on those psychology books,
you read about influence like back
in the day, like that’s where those books
come in handy and you’ve got to put
together some creative offers
that make sense for your industry.
don’t take everything that I’m sharing
and just think you’re going to plug
and play and make it all work.
It’s not going to be
relevant for every industry.
But let me just share with you guys some
of the recent gateway offers I’ve seen.
This is basically the entry
way for somebody to jump in.
So one of the recent ones I’ve seen hey,
Christine, I’m shutting down my agency.
I’m giving away all my funnels and adds.
Only thing is you’ve got to self manage.
Here, here are all my proven ads,
here are all my proven funnels,
and this is something I’m actively running
with my own agency,
the new agency with Louis’.
So guess what happens?
These people jumping on the phone call
guys, and they’re like,
yeah, you guys do marketing stuff.
Yeah, I got the owner of the business
asking me about marketing stuff.
That’s why I want my sales cycle.
We’ll figure out which offer makes sense,
but those phone calls
are happening, right?
So it’ll say to 97 self
managed marketing system.
Or my ads will say ads and funnel
giveaway for the automotive industry.
Whatever industry you’re catering to.
And when they do jump on a call,
you can tell them, hey, guess what?
Here are proven ads
and systems and everything.
You can take it and run
it however you want to.
You need any kind of support.
Reach out to us.
No problem.
Take it all.
You want the latest stuff.
You want the good stuff.
Oh, you want the latest stuff.
That means it’s fifty ninety seven.
That’s where we do this month stuff.
That’s twenty, twenty one stuff.
But you proven ads that that’s going
to get you somewhere you
can self management.
Here they are.
Does that make sense guys.
You guys understand the difference.
Now, when they do sign up for that,
guess what happens?
Pay for the system so you can handle all
these leads in one place,
that’s two ninety seven.
So all of a sudden your gateway
offer is ads and funnels.
Right, don’t get this confused with
maintenance offer ads and funnels,
we’re not talking about new ads
and funnels, this is you giving those
away in a little library, right.
And they go in to a core
offer pretty easily.
And if they fail at it and they’re like,
hey, listen, this is too much work.
No problem, lands,
we’ll just handle it for you at fifty
ninety seven a month, and matter of fact,
you won’t even have to worry
about just having the proven ads.
You’ll have the latest ones to.
Right, and this is an interesting one,
the second one,
and I saw this with Authors’,
I saw a young lady run this with authors
and coaches where it’s a newsletter,
email campaign that she
does on a monthly basis.
It’s fifty dollars.
Fifty dollars.
Matthew, I’m going to run all
your newsletters for you.
How many of you guys enjoy
Christine Seale emails?
Like, I think I get one once
a week or once every two weeks.
What if you offered that to.
A business owner.
Hey, listen, you want to talk to your
community and stay in front of your
audience, in front of your entire
ecosystem, every single week,
we’ll send out newsletters on behalf
of your brand is forty nine dollars.
Oh, cool.
You’re starting to see
leads come in from there.
You’re starting to see
inquiries coming from there.
No problem.
We can set it up for two
hundred dollars a month.
Here’s where you can handle
all those conversations.
So you see how you take a gateway offer.
And remember, these are dynamic,
meaning these are cycling, right.
They’re going to be changed
every single quarter.
We have new offers.
And you can change it
based on your industry.
Here’s another one,
a third one that I can tell you.
It’s really effective in highly saturated
industries like a lot of you that are
going after your chiropractor’s,
a lot of you that are going after your
realtors like those highly saturated
industries, the appointments work.
Can we can we just jump on a quick call?
And first of all,
what I want to do with you, Matthew,
is give you 10 calendar appointments.
That’s all I want to do.
I don’t want to sell you anything.
I’m going to give you 10
calendar appointments.
And after that, can we
talk about marketing?
So what do you do?
Set up their system, run their list with
a decent offer and bring them back in?
And set up set up an appointment for them.
It’s not hard to do.
So that’s another one,
especially in saturated industries.
The lifetime feature deal,
this is something that I’ve seen a lot
of big brands in SaaS already that are
using, they’ll say, hey, here is a
voicemail system for fifty
dollars, one time fee.
If you’re prepared to turn off a voicemail
system for the rest of the way,
then that would make sense, right?
There’s another guy that sells just
the dashboard, you know,
the dashboard that just handles that just
shows like basic numbers,
the HighLevel dashboard.
They give that away as a thirty
seven dollars offer lifetime deal.
To a CRM system.
Here’s how you can handle all your
finances in one place, right?
Here’s another one that I am
thinking about running myself.
I haven’t ran this yet, just so you know.
But I do know two other
agencies that are running this.
Tim, Mr.
Miller, guess what?
Thanks for jumping in.
I’m going to just give you
a website for the first share.
Any questions?
You don’t have to pay five
thousand dollars anymore at all.
By the way, you want to handle all those
leads that are coming
in from your websites.
Yeah, that’s going to be
two hundred bucks, buddy.
We’ll help you handle all of that.
You see how you take a gateway offer
and you turn it into a core offer.
This is the gap that I see
everybody failing SaaS.
Most people are not able to connect this
gap of a core offer versus a gateway
offer that makes sense for the industry.
So you really have to put
your marketing hat on, guys.
And think through of what
your audience is wanting.
The whole idea of hacking, duplication,
copying, none of that is relevant anymore.
You need to really focus
in on your audience.
Is this helpful?
Sorry, I’m a little louder.
I really am passionate about making sure
you guys are successful, believe it.
So this is how you guys get creative.
And that’s all I want to say
when it comes to an offer.
Most of us are missing an offer
when it comes to SaaS.
What are we doing?
Hamen Core offer to ninety seven
set up with two ninety seven.
Mondli is now working.
Yeah, it ain’t supposed to work.
It wasn’t meant to work,
you need to resonate with the crowd
that you’re catering to, right.
And I don’t even know what to tell you if
you’re catering to five different crowds,
like I can’t even help you.
Right, because now you got to come up
with five sets of gateway offers,
right, with marketing behind it,
was this helpful?
Give us a wonderful was helpful.
All right, cool.
I love seeing engagement,
guys, it helps me go.
All right,
Christine, feel free to jump in anytime.
I’m just I’m just rolling
here doing great.
I love that we have OK.
What do you want people on here
that we’re going to bring Zoom today?
Oh, my gosh.
Well, we’ll keep the man pedaling
so so offers us the first thing.
If I were to go to this topic of like
how to get started off or fix your offer,
most of it is garbage.
I promise you, most offers
that I see is garbage.
But there are a few people out there
that are getting creative with your
gateway offer and test it out.
It ain’t going to be all perfect
the first couple of times.
Test it out.
If you have one gateway offer,
it will change your business forever.
I promise you.
We’ll see the numbers.
We see stripe accounts getting ding, ding,
ding notifications happening all the time
for a lot of people that have
those gateway offers.
Right, prospecting
for social media channels.
So let’s talk about that.
let’s see here.
Where was I right here,
so the four main ones that I personally am
using right now with the automotive space
is called email, Instagram and Facebook
DBMS because there’s a limit to it.
You can do too many write paid ads.
Yes, don’t overthink it.
I know it’s hard to run your own ads.
I get that it’s different when
it’s your own Visa and MasterCard.
I get it.
But if you have an offer,
if you have a good gateway, it’ll work,
I’m running it myself.
I can tell you it works, right, LinkedIn.
So now first thing you want to ask
yourself, guys, is
where is your industry hanging out in?
My automotive guys don’t hang out
in Arlington, right,
so you got to think of blue collar
versus white collar, right?
LinkedIn is great for those
white collar industries, right.
And then you got a few in there like real
estate, a few in there like medical.
They may or may not.
Hang on.
Hang on.
LinkedIn actively.
But if you go after industries,
pay attention to where those
people are hanging out.
And it doesn’t matter if you take my cold
email and convert it to your industry.
Let’s say some of you,
if I’m in the contractor space,
dude, I am pounding Craigslist.
I see so many contractors go in there
and post about what they can do,
why in the world would I not opt into all
of their stuff and be like, hey,
I can help you do it better way, right?
Alina is another one,
right? Thumbtack is another one. There’s
you got to figure out where your crowd is
hanging out it,
right? If you’re in the interior design
space, which is a hot industry,
by the way,
you got to figure out where are those
events, where are they hanging out
and where do they get together?
Like, you got to be creative
and where those channels are.
But these are the ones that work
for me and my industry today.
This may not work in the next six months
because the markets are ever there moving.
How many of you guys get tired
of those LinkedIn messages?
I get hundreds a day.
Like, I’m like, yo,
these are all automation’s.
When’s the last time there was a human
being on LinkedIn is how I feel.
Everything is on automation, right?
So you got to pay attention
to where you’re spending your time.
now there is also another factor to this
that you want to pay attention to, right.
If your pipeline is not that full.
Stop trying to get the most perfect lead
possible with, like this huge
application filled out, right.
You’re forcing them to go through
a webinar than a VSL than they have
to jump into your Facebook group.
Like, stop all of that.
Just get in front of them.
Especially if you have no reason
to start dating them right now.
How many of you guys understand me dating?
Right lead is when you put more
obstacles in front of them.
So they have to give you more information
in exchange to get through your cycle.
So if I were to run lead ads,
that’s not that gaited versus
if I ran convergent ads.
They have to go through a funnel of some
kind, maybe fill out another form,
and then I’ll have them go
through a calendar or a VSL.
So pay attention to what you want.
If you guys want to cause three clients as
clients guys in the next 10 days,
take that gating off.
Don’t don’t over get your channels,
just go full fledged in having those
conversations and I’ll,
I’ll share my scripts with you so you
could get those conversations going.
But at some point you’re going
to want quality over quantity.
I get that right.
If you are already spending at least
let’s say, 50, 60 calls a day on intro’s.
Like, let’s say those are the type
of ranges you’re getting,
it’s time that you turn that thing off,
you need to be dating,
you need to have better dates in place
so people just don’t jump in.
They need to be more bought
into what you’re actually selling.
And that’s when you have an appointment
set up versus the closer.
That’s when you decide, you know what,
it’s time for me to turn off my VSL
and go right into a webinar.
Because webinar means quality.
VSL means quantity.
OK, so decide on your messaging.
So let’s go right into messaging.
But before that, let’s see.
Oh yeah, here’s the thing.
Just these four channels that I’m
recommending is relevant for me today in
July, essentially, like in twenty twenty
one in six months, this may change.
But let me share with you
guys this map real quick.
And I know some of you guys have seen
this, but the first thing you want
to do is scrape your industry right.
Let me make this a little bigger.
These are the channels that I’m building.
So when I started this agency back
in January with Louise,
I was like, you know what?
Let’s map out what our prospecting
channels will look like.
So you have direct mail that you write.
You can do outbound calls.
Direct mail is called email.
You link and LinkedIn organic.
You can run a partner program,
which is an affiliate program
of your professional services.
Right, you can run Facebook systems,
you can run Instagram systems where people
are reaching out every single day
and volume with TVs, by the way,
guys do not spend time prospecting.
This should all be handled by Vas.
Your time is too valuable where you need
to focus on sales calls
and internal calls.
So our Vas handle cold email
for us every single day.
They handle Instagram,
D.M. for us every single day.
One of the latest things that are
getting a lot of traction is limbless.
If you’re interested in doing email
yourself and you’re not ready for a VA,
maybe consider a long list.
But these are all the different
channels you can set up.
You can run paid ads.
Which I highly, highly recommend.
But I just wanted to share with you
guys some of the main channels.
These are the channels
that we’re working towards.
At some point we’ll have
more channels going.
But with just these three guys,
we’re arranging around
seven to nine leads a day.
Cold email wise, I’m sending
out about 500 to 700 a day.
A day.
Daily volume, right, Instagram,
we get around 20, sometimes 15,
depending on those accounts,
so we have three profiles,
so we average around forty five
to fifty DBMS on Instagram.
So you have to get like your proxy’s
and all these different things set up.
I don’t want to focus on the how I just
want to share with you on do just
giving you the idea of doing this.
Paid ads don’t run paid ads
if your offer is not strong.
And I’m talking about your gateway offer,
not your core offer, if your gateway offer
is not creative and it’s not strong,
you’re going to donate to Mr.
Zuckerberg, I promise you.
Get a strong offering before you run it,
but have three organic channels and two
paid channels if you can, one retargeted.
OK, does that help?
Does that give you an idea of what kind
of volume and range you got to set up?
So let’s talk about
the actual messaging, right.
You guys ready for the messaging?
What should I say, cool,
so the four different main approaches
that I take typically is this I’ll just
give you a quick overview
on all four of them.
But I want to go into
the partner approach.
The student approach is the old approach.
Christine, I’m pretty sure you remember
this back in the day
when Henry days, right?
Like, hey, I’m a university student,
I’m learning this thing.
Give me a chance.
I’ll run a trial.
I’m sure that.
Yeah, yeah.
And they’re like Wits University.
And you’re like,
I got to Google a university name.
It’s like,
but but that used to work and it
still works in certain industries.
The engineering approach is
good for folks that are focused
around a very high tech industry.
So, Christine, for example,
she’s focus on marketing companies so she
can focus on the engineering approach.
Not all of us could.
Let’s say you’re let’s say Lance Cook.
I JC name Seale around
just calling people.
Let’s say Lance is focused on the IT
industry, just what he can resonate with,
that his crowd would resonate
with an engineering approach, which is,
hey, guess what, I built out
a system for this industry.
I want to test drive it with a company.
And here’s here’s what I’m trying to do.
It’s very developer oriented.
It’s good for those
industries that are techie.
Have you ever thought about
building an app for your business?
Like, that’s the approach, right?
The referral approach is if
you already have an audience.
And you have some testimony.
Paulson results.
All you have to do is reach out to those
folks that you’ve already given results
to and say, hey, listen, will you
consider introducing me to X, Y, Z?
Will you consider introducing me to this
person in the industry, that person?
But today I want to mainly focus
on the partner approach because one,
it’s what I myself and my partner
Louis’ use in the automotive space.
It’s working, but it’s unjaded.
now let me help you understand what gated,
gated and non gated means,
right, non gated means.
I’m going to give you a vague message
that’s going to create interest for you
to just get on a conversation with me
regarding almost anything and everything.
It’s not specific enough where you may
know that it’s around marketing, right.
So if I have a new sales guy, guess what?
I’m going to make sure my cold email
guys are going to be non gated.
If I have a closer and he doesn’t want
to waste any time and just calling intro’s
and he wants like really solid leads, I’m
going to make sure my approach is gated.
So it’s going to say
this is about marketing.
This is how much it costs.
Do you want to jump in like
it’s very specific, right?
You guys following me
on the nonintegrated, right.
Some of you complain email doesn’t work,
but you’re not even thinking in systems
and structures like this quite often.
It’s not even taught.
I’m just telling you from experience
of us testing different things.
So Nongay did.
And I’ll give you an example
of a gated one to navigate.
It is going to go like this.
Hey, John, seems like you have a decent
location, from the looks of it,
people are saying amazing
things about your business.
And when I read when I read,
I should have said.
When I read.
When I read through your reviews.
I’m looking to partner up with.
X, Y, Z, industry,
whatever industry you’re in, right
to see if you can take on more
of whatever products or services, right?
So in my space, I’m in automotive.
So what I usually do is, hey,
I’m looking to partner up
with an automotive shop in Houston,
Texas, to see if they can take on more.
Right, its product at the end business in
the front, right, like that makes sense.
You guys want me, right?
And this looks like as if I’m just going
to send you business like I have
existing business to send you.
Who’s not going to say yes to this
message, if you’re a business owner,
it seems like they’re just
giving you a referral, right?
So it’s a little switch and baitfish,
but you jump on a call with the decision
maker quite, quite often.
Right at that point,
you can change your messaging or
turn it into whatever you
want it to turn it into.
And this is a good opener.
Remember, this is nongay.
Did you guys ready for a gated one?
Here’s what my gado one will look like.
Subject line service, quote, needed
as if it’s an existing client, right?
It’s like, so if you’re in the dental
space, it needs to say patient confirmed.
That’s how I like my subject lines, right?
If you’re in the real estate space,
I would say something like
closing date on three day,
like closing closing set on three days.
It needs to be resonating
to that crowd in the end result.
But here’s a difference.
Hey, I’m hoping to talk to X,
Y, Z, auto shop owner.
To see if y’all can
take on more time jobs.
I’m wanting to connect with the decision
maker that can say yes
to consistent referrals and leads.
We prefer to send you
products or services.
Right, whatever line they have.
By the way, Christine’s going to have all
these scripts, by the way,
just just so you know, no need to
screenshot on which your time we got you.
But go through this.
When you read through it, you’ll
realize this is all about marketing.
So even at the very end of that messaging,
I say just to be clear on how we do this,
we run and manage all your online
marketing for you that are result based.
You see how this is very
gaited is very specific.
We barely get leads on this.
Compared to the other one,
the other one is nice,
it gets our juices flowing, it’s like,
oh man, we got ten leads coming in
but none of them are qualified.
But this one, if you get two replies,
odds of you selling it is very high.
So you want to decide whether you should
go with gaited or nongay
depending on your sales process.
Currently, how many
messages can you field?
That type of stuff.
But in the beginning,
keep it nongay to just keep it open
for you guys to be successful
in the next ten days.
If you use this message in your industry.
You should get at least three to four
messages a day
if you’re sticking with the volume that I
recommended, which is 500 emails a day.
If you don’t have that,
so some of you will tell me, hey, Paulson,
I don’t have all of that set up just yet,
I had a I had a slide that said,
what if I don’t have it?
I can’t find it, but it’s OK.
But if you don’t have it right,
what you want to do is this.
First of all, get a VA that’s going
to handle your prospecting multiple bays.
And like, it costs me about less than five
hundred dollars to have
two TVs running full time.
Well, one part time.
One full time.
And that’s enough volume.
I don’t I’m not going to be
doing cold email myself.
That’s a waste of my time.
Not because I want to spend it on other
revenue generating activities.
Not that I’m too good for it,
but just just to be careful in how
I’m spending my time right now.
If you were to go through and put out this
message in your in your industry,
let’s say you go back to your HighLevel
account and you realize, you know,
I got two hundred emails,
I got maybe two hundred contacts.
What do you think will
happen if you send this out?
Right, you should be able to generate
at least 10 conversations off of this
that are general, like they’re just vague,
I get that they’re non gaited,
but it’ll get you going.
It’ll get you launched.
You should be able to close at least one
or two clients from it,
that’ll pay for all your
SaaS expenses, at least out of the gate.
Then you’re dead even.
And then you can decide, you know what,
I can have this approach, that approach.
It is a matter I can just go all out.
So I just wanted to share this
with you guys in and go from there.
And here’s here’s the last thing
I want to share with you guys
crushing your sales calls.
Your sales cycles in your industry,
most sales cycles lasts about 50 to 60
days, so the work you did
five weeks ago is the work you’re
reaping and harvesting today.
It’s not from the cold calls you did
yesterday, it’s from the effort
that you had about five, six weeks ago.
Right, so understand where you need
to spend time and what
you will get out of it.
Number two is people don’t have
a problem being interrupted.
Right, how many of you guys pick up
the phone call, even when it’s like
a random number, we still pick it up?
We still answer the person when they reach
out, but within the first three seconds,
you want to figure out what it’s about.
So when you do call these people get right
to the point instead of keeping
your conversations vague.
And when you do that and you figure out
active buyers instead of just
interest based buyers.
You have more at bats,
you have more repetition, right,
you have more conversations that are
happening, and that’s really how you’re
going to do really well
in sales right now.
One more thing I want to share
with you is the follow up process.
We all know following up is something we
got to do, but there is two different
types of follow up systems.
One is a sales mentality follow up.
The other is an education based follow up.
If you’re running demos and you’re trying
to follow up with somebody,
do not send them more results.
Do not try to educate them about
the industry, you need to specifically
talk to them about
the offer you presented.
Hey, Matthew, what did you feel
about the offer I gave you?
I’m not going to be like, hey,
here’s my case study from two
other automotive shops.
Take a look at it.
I don’t need to win them
any more than that.
They already have been won.
They got on a demo call with me.
And if you one more thing I want to share
is I had this question and this is
something Christine and I were
talking about the other day.
Should you guys do demos or not?
if you don’t have a big audience and also
if you’re selling professional
services at the same time, do a demo.
You’ll be able to close bigger tickets,
you’ll understand your industry better,
right, if you have a big audience,
meaning at least
two or three thousand people that are
constantly following you around,
it makes sense for you to have a self
managed sales process,
run a funnel, run ads to it.
Don’t jump on a quick random Zoom call.
And that’s only relevant if you’re
not selling professional services.
So I just want to clarify
that one more time.
So lastly, I hope today, hopefully this
was really helpful for many of you.
Lastly, remember, subscriptions
are better than retainers, period.
That’s the whole point of SaaS.
You don’t have to depend on your fifteen
hundred dollar up
and down clients anymore.
And all of us know you can
provide white glove services.
They are still going to cancel
for whatever reason.
They have too many variables in these
businesses that they will cancel.
And the other thing is customization
is the enemy of scaling.
It’s really hard to scale when you
customize a lot of different things.
We all know that we can cook a better
burger at home, the McDonald’s,
but we go there for speed.
Some of us go there for cost,
but most of us go there for speed, right.
So pay attention to that.
Don’t over customize too many
things for your clients.
And there is a difference between
interest buyer versus active buyer.
I don’t want to talk to people
that are interested.
I need people that are ready and actively
looking for a system,
looking for a marketing partner, looking
to make a difference in their business.
So hopefully today, guys, you guys
got a lot out of the session, right?
We talked about how to get started.
The key thing is to figure
out your gateway offer.
We talked about prospecting channels.
I shared my life for prospecting channels
that make sense and get a visa to handle
all your prospecting for you
as quick as you can.
I’ve shared my script with you
on the partner approach
that Christine Seale have right
in the when it comes to your
sales calls its repetition.
It really is repetition.
But a lot of us waste time talking to
interested buyers instead of active buyers
that are constantly looking for something.
So that covers a lot of what
we wanted to talk about today.
Let’s see.
All right, cool.
Christine, it’s all yours.
And I’m Mudan Hi, guys.
All right, so
we’re going to get to how you get
the scripts in a second
and the Q&A in a second.
But just real quick, if you guys
love this, put a four in the top.
If you love it but you don’t know
where to start, put a six in the chat.
I want to see how everyone’s doing and how
everyone is feeling before we continue
kind of gauge the audience a little bit.
OK, and I’m going to go ahead and share
my screen Paulson before I go for it.
Yeah, OK.
All right, cool.
So for all you guys who love this contest,
but you want to take a next step and go
a little bit further,
I have a super exciting announcement.
So first, I’m going to talk a little bit
about an upcoming event
that I’m hosting next month.
Paulson is going to be there.
He’s going to speak about this.
He’s going to speak about SaaS,
how to start a SaaS company.
And maybe if we ask him nicely enough,
he’ll even do a demo for us at the event,
the perfect SaaS demo.
So if you guys want to come meet us
in person, OK, and have us hold your hand
implementing what we discussed today,
you guys,
I only have five I literally have five
tickets to my event next month
in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
so if you guys like the Smoky Mountains or
you’re in the Tennessee area or you just
want to come and meet us and have us hold
your hand, guys, I’m hosting
an implementation workshop, OK?
We’re going to actually do the same
and get everything set up in one weekend.
All right.
And you can come ask as many questions as
you want because we’re going
to be there to hold your hand.
So I put the link here on the slide
mastermind at Christine Seale dot com.
It’s nine ninety seven right now
for a ticket and tickets are just going
to go up as we get closer to the event.
We’re only a month away right now.
If you guys are sure and you want to hop
on a call with me,
comment about hash tag mastermind Mbalo,
OK, and or just send me a DM
on Facebook, all right.
And I will happily reach out
and we can set up a call.
OK, my calendar is full like this
week talking about the mastermind.
But I’m going to make some spots because I
really, really want to prioritize you
guys, since you’re taking your
time to be here with us today.
All right.
So just reach out,
send me a message or hashtag, mastermind
me below to chat more about it.
OK, guys, I can’t wait.
It’s going to be amazing.
Paulson is an amazing speaker,
as you just saw.
All right.
So I’m really, really excited about this.
OK, now to.
All right.
How to get your scripts, guys.
I think most of you are already
in my Facebook group,
marketing agency Automation Secrets.
So all you got to do is say,
I just watched the closed three
SaaS Clicksend ten days
master class of Paulson.
Thomas, please send my free
processing scripts.
And if you could also put your main take
away, OK, put your number one takeaway
on this post so that everyone else can see
it and everyone else can
learn about SaaS as well.
OK, so make sure you go to marketing
agency Automation Secrets.
Post this and put your main takeaway.
Then my team is going to reach out to you
and we are going to send
you guys the scripts.
All right.
We may even I know we’re
going to do the replay.
So if you guys want the replay,
make sure that you post this in my group
so that we can reach out
to you with the replay.
OK, all right.
And then third, a lot of people have
been asking you about this, OK?
So if you guys want a free 30 day trial
of Sacerdote Agency Pro four
ninety seven plan on HighLevel.
OK, go to Bitly Queen SaaS.
Make sure you use this link because that’s
the only way that you can get
a 30 day free trial of SaaS mode.
OK, so I want you guys
to go crush your SaaS.
I want you guys to get three clients
in ten days and I want you guys to be
able to pay for Stockwood with that.
OK, you should be able
to with just one client.
All right.
you get a free 30 day trial and yes, OK.
You can get the free 30 day trial if
you already have a HighLevel account.
Everyone ask me that.
Can I still get.
Yes, you can.
OK, I’m going to show you for the pro.
This is for the pro plan.
This is for the pro plan,
which is for ninety seven a month.
OK, I’m going to show you
how to do that real quick.
If you go to this Bitly link,
OK, there’s two options.
Choose your adventure.
OK, so the yellow button is for new users.
If you do not have a HighLevel account,
you can click the yellow button
and sign up for the free 30 day trial.
Usually it’s only fourteen,
but through this link you’re
going to get a 30 day trial, OK?
Then if you’re already an existing user,
you use the blue link excuse me,
the blue link underneath the button.
OK, so already HighLevel user click here,
then there’s a little form that you fill
out and it goes to the HighLevel team.
They upgrade your account and you
get a free 30 day trial SaaS mode.
OK, so it’s super, super easy
to get that free 30 day trial.
Make sure you use that link, though.
And again, it’s down here.
Bitly Queen says, OK,
if there’s any problems, questions,
concerns, comments, whatever,
feel free to send me a message.
All right.
My son is actually working for me,
so he is my appointment setter.
He mans my GM.
So it’s a real person, not a robot.
Please be nice to my child, OK?
He just decided he wants
to be an entrepreneur.
So it’s it’s been a good
learning experience for him.
If if you guys got a message for me,
it was probably him.
He works pretty much all night
helping me get messages to everyone.
So make sure you you’re nice to him.
OK, so that’s that’s about it.
As far as I have to say.
I’m going to keep the link down
here at the bottom while we do Q&A.
And, you know, if you guys I really
appreciate guys being here, Paulson.
I really appreciate you
taking your time to create this for us.
And I’m just so like I’m just so
grateful and my heart is full right now.
So thank you again, guys.
Any anybody if you’re if you have a doubt
in your mind about that event,
I promise you it’s going to be epic.
I’m going to be a speaker there.
And I’ve already heard about some
of the other speakers there,
some really big top dogs over there
that are coming to just really give away
some of the toughest lessons
they’ve learned in business.
So it’s going to really change
the way you do business.
And I promise you,
like I learned everything I know
from events and courses and masterminds
and mentors, obviously.
But the events really take you away
from that isolation mode of just like
being at home right in your offices,
kids and family and everything.
But it really gives you
a sense of belonging and gives you
a community to, like,
really connect with everybody around
in the same journey that you are.
So I highly, highly welcome and recommend
all of you to be there
and try to be there,
like literally from Thursday to Monday.
I’m trying to figure out my calendar
so I can actually spend a lot of time
with a lot of you as well as Christine
Seale don’t pass on this and Mengiste.
And then also, don’t forget to take
advantage of the pro 30 day
trial Christine is offering.
You’re not going to find that everywhere.
If you don’t know.
That’s a rare thing.
You can get that through, Christine.
And we’ve set that up.
Anybody have questions on some
of the things we talked about today?
I know we talked a lot about sales
and prospecting and systems.
I was trying to rapid fire as quick as I
can so we can keep
everything within the hour.
Let’s see.
Let’s see.
Oh, my goodness.
I see a lot of questions.
How much would it help you if I.
Yeah, please.
You tell me which one I should
address and we’ll go from there.
All right.
Good grief.
OK, some of these are
for the event as well.
Yeah, go for it.
Oh, Melisa’s here, Melissa.
I’ll see you soon.
This is already coming.
Do you go over how to set
up the organization?
Yes, Chris, I do.
I absolutely do.
That’s the whole reason I created this
event, because I know everyone is
struggling with their automations
in their own wording.
So that is definitely something
we’re going to go over.
let’s see what is already in agency mode.
Oh, that the problem probably,
yeah, he might be asking
about what is SaaS mode.
OK, yeah.
Ricardo Moses, yeah, yeah.
Yes, Asmodeus, where you basically can
function like a software company
instead of an agency within HighLevel.
Really, it’s a billing play.
We’ll handle all your billing for you,
subscriptions for you.
Your features could be turned on and off
and ultimately the finances
gets handled automatically.
That’s the hard part.
SaaS Paulson.
I already know what it is.
I was I think that was
a question for before.
When I thought you were offering
the program, I was asking what
if you already have the agency.
So you guys answered that question.
Sorry about the cool
breeze, would it be a smart idea to upload
Scrabulous to HighLevel and do
called email from there?
No, you need a lot of volume,right?
You need five, six hundred a day.
So I recommend.
So here’s how I go about it.
My cold vaisse already
know how to do this.
I don’t want to go Trayner Vuh.
Neither do I want to learn
how to do new things.
I want to, I want to buy their skill set.
Like I saw when I first interviewed them,
I was like, hey, jump on a Zoom car.
Show me how you send them out there.
Like Wolpaw I jump on my ten Gmail
accounts and I subscribe to all these
shops so I can
pry my email domains and then I send
out these messages after I log in.
These called Vas will
know how to set that up.
But but I don’t recommend using HighLevel
because you got to send
out such a high volume.
It’s not worth taking a risk, you know,
jeopardizing all your
clients in one place.
Pamela says, where did I get my VA?
VA are the best source to find the VA.
Ask them if you get one right.
So you just really need
to get the first one right.
the first thing I did was go to Facebook
groups and I said, hey,
I’m looking for a cold email,
cold Instagram VA back and jump
on a quick call with me.
This is my budget.
At the time, my budget was three hundred
and sixty dollars a month
for that full time.
The second one was one eighty.
I was like, you know what?
I can close one
retainer and have no issues with that.
I can get two or three vaisse and that’s
literally how I calculated it.
And the first person I mean,
actually the third person jumped on a Zoom
call and showed me when you
jump on a Zoom call with them.
Ask them to log into the systems
of what they have already delivered.
They will show you if they know what
they’re doing or not,
within five minutes, they will show
you if they know what they’re doing.
But but it’s not hard to find a vein.
You just got to really iron out
and understand, you know,
whether they know what they’re doing.
Most Vas are failed by the agency owners,
by lack of instructions or direction.
Right or the wrong expectation being set
up front, I told them, hey, listen,
I’m not tracking your hours.
I don’t care if it takes you
30 minutes or 15 hours a day.
I just want five hundred emails, outgoing.
Like, I just want that result.
So my guys probably spend maybe forty
five minutes a day on taking care of me.
But I know five hundred
emails is going out.
That’s all I care about.
So guess what, I don’t have
to log into hub stuff.
I don’t have to log into any of these
screenshot minoring stuff
like I don’t really care.
Like if they just,
I just want the results.
So really, it’s an expectation that you
got to set up front when it comes to TVs.
But don’t don’t waste
your time prospecting.
You need to be fielding calls.
You need to be fielding those messages.
You need to be fielding on the sales side,
not the prospecting side.
But the first thing you have
to do is set all that up.
It takes a little bit of time.
Just just go one at a time.
Like you’re not going to just set it
all up six, seven channels in a month.
It’s impossible.
So just go one at a time.
Just focus on one channel,
get those conversations going.
Let’s see,
Christine, you were on which one,
let’s see Clinton, I was a Clinton, yeah,
from the top down to Clinton,
then I see Carter.
Moses says, what’s the best way to get
the cold marketing done on the platform?
Don’t want to flag on my emails.
No, I don’t use HighLevel for cold email.
I just use that for the
systems for the clients.
Laurie Swift SaaS Paulson.
What system are using to send
out 500 emails a day?
My voice literally one on board.
You know, I think it was like thirty
or forty SIM cards in Philippines.
Like they went and got numbers and they
signed up for new Gmail accounts and they
log into each one of those Gmail accounts
per day, send out usually ten to fifteen
a day from each email.
Collectively they do like
forty fifty total accounts.
So in a day I have that kind of volume.
So it takes they know all the stuff most
called email vaisse know the stuff they
call it the GMs method or Google method.
It’s very popular in that space.
Are you doing this manually,
manually on the fielding of messages.
So, so not automate.
Not everything is automated
to Miller says.
Can you give a quick example of a demo?
I mean, that’s a loaded question.
That takes me like a while.
But ultimately, in my sales cycle,
guys, I focus on four things.
Stories, right?
I break my sales conversation
into four phases.
Phase one is a story.
So I’m going to ask Aaron Bennett.
Hey, Erin, thanks for jumping on a call.
I want to hear your story.
I’m going to give him the microphone.
The doc, that’s the first thing
that happens next is numbers.
I want to get to numbers.
How do I get to numbers?
I want to ask them about their volume.
That’ll lead me to the
revenue conversations.
You can never really lead in with revenue
unless you have some really good trust.
So I’m going to be like, Hey, Brandon,
thanks for jumping in on the call.
What is your normal weekly volume like?
Brant is going to tell me, hey,
I got fifty customers coming in.
That makes sense.
Where do you want to be?
Because I’m connecting current
scenario with desired scenario.
Phone call Zoom calls.
It doesn’t matter.
So numbers is the second phase.
Third phase is the conditions.
Hey Nico, if I did this for you,
how would that affect your business?
It’s the condition that I’m proposing.
That’s where I talk about
my offers and all of that forcing.
Matthew, how do you
normally make decisions?
meaning your wife don’t have to approve
anything call perfect even better.
that’s that’s my four phases in my sales
whether I’m on an intro call,
whether I’m on a Zoom call,
whether I’m meeting with
somebody at dinner
with the Enterprise Opportunity
franchises, I don’t really care.
My sales mentality is divided into four
areas stories, numbers,
conditions, decisions.
You can sell millions with that
mentality, I promise you.
So so regardless whether you know,
Zoom one call, close to call,
close on a funnel or not on a funnel,
it is a matter sales.
The sales people focus on the mechanism
of sales versus the journey of sales.
That’s where they screw up.
So, you know, Tim, here’s the thing.
I’ll take you up on this.
If you come to the event,
I’ll do a live demo.
How about that?
Christine will go over and have a full
demo, like a two hour demo, something.
I love it.
Richards’s would solo and agency
owners be considered a Netsch?
Know that’s so broad.
Agency owners is broad.
Trust me, there’s so agencies,
Instagram agencies, branding agencies,
TV agencies, radio ad agencies,
automation agencies.
You want me to keep going?
It’s such a broad industry, right?
Let’s see, Ceressus.
How do I get the replay again?
Probably on YouTube.
Hope you’re doing well, buddy.
The replay.
Let me just let me just go over
that one more time, if that’s cool.
Yes, do you post things on YouTube?
I do.
I haven’t decided if I’m actually
posting this on YouTube.
make sure that you post in the Facebook
group, marketing agency
Automation Secrets.
That’s my Facebook group,
not the HighLevel group.
OK, I just watched
I just watched the close three SaaS clouds
and today’s monster class with Paulson
of my free prospecting scripts.
Also, put your number one,
take away your number one takeaway.
All right.
That’s how you get that.
Yeah, let’s see, Terrance’s
what is the best nesh data scraper
to get the best info for your Miach.
It doesn’t matter.
It doesn’t matter about the source
of how you scrape the data.
The point is to scrape the data.
I called email Brokers’ in like a Facebook
group and said, hey, who’s got
emails in the dental space?
Who’s got emails in the automotive space?
Like ten people reply.
I jumped on a call with them.
Hey, tell me why your data is
good versus somebody else’s.
I found one guy paid him
three hundred bucks.
He sent me a list of like fifteen or
sixteen thousand automotive shop owners.
That’s one then I went on Fiverr and I
found some random guy in Pakistan
who said, I’m an automotive expert.
What kind of data do you have paid him?
Like 60 dollars.
He sent me a list of like six
thousand or five thousand people.
So then I called one of my one of my
friends in Houston who is a shop owner.
I was like, hey, where do you guys usually
register yourself as like a business
like is there a directory?
I found a magazine that literally posts
automotive shop owners in that space.
So you got to be creative
in finding the data.
But yeah, Sherm says
leave Cohuna fresh lead.
Find there be seven lead finder.
What’s wrong?
This thing with Karen know there’s
there’s a bunch of different stuff.
But the point is that is an independent
variable in the science project
that doesn’t change.
The dependent variables are your messages,
your offers, your sales
calls, your delivery.
All that is constantly changing.
But once you get that data of like let’s
say your industry is sixty thousand
people, you don’t have to go scrape again.
So it’s really just a one time thing.
You can pound that list with new offers.
You can pound that list with new emails.
I loaded everybody into a custom audience
on Facebook and we run
ads to that same list.
Right, so so be creative
in collecting that data.
Ethan says, How would you get your first
three SaaS clients without spending
money on a via ads or et cetera?
Those messages that I gave you,
that script, you couldn’t manually message
people on Facebook if you buy yourself
messaged 20 people with your Instagram
account, 20 people on Facebook.
And if you’re not getting at least five
people responding, there is
something wrong with your profiles.
First of all, there’s something
in there that’s alarming them, right?
They’re not understanding that.
I would set up a social media profile.
I would set up like a Facebook funnel.
I would set up an Instagram
funnel and then D.M. that way
and limbless if you.
Ethan limbless, it’s e l
m e t that’s a really.
Oh, I think I send it to Caitlyn
accidently limbless spray.
This is a system you may
want to pay attention to.
It’s a good system
to manually send out emails.
You cannot do a lot of volume,
but it gets you going.
OK, so that’s probably
my other way of getting.
To say Solemnis rocks.
I’ve seen some creative things in there.
Let’s see
I would like to get the sales conditions.
So Terrones my sales cycle
is divided into four phases.
That’s how I look at sales.
That’s how I was taught sales.
That’s how I function in sales.
So my four phases in any cycle, regardless
of the mechanism, is story first.
No second.
Conditions third.
Decisions fourth.
Hey, Caitlin, I’m glad we got a chance
to connect, everything makes sense.
How do you normally
make decisions on this?
Caitlin is going to tell me.
Well, let me talk to somebody.
Give me a day.
I’ll talk to you in a day.
A lot of you force a decision.
Hey, you’ve got 72 hours, buddy,
to take me up on this offer.
Like you weren’t going to give
them that offer anyway.
Right, right, so they feel those energies,
they understand that, but
hopefully today was helpful, guys.
I know we’re going through
some Q&A, Christine.
I don’t know if you see any other
questions that I have I might have missed,
but I’m I’m I’m really excited
for your group, Christine.
I’m excited for you.
I’m stoked about the event.
It’s going to be epic.
Let’s go.
Oh, gosh.
I think
everyone’s just asking for, like, the
Dembo the tablets, which we went over.
Yeah,but yeah.
If you guys have any any
event questions, any,
you know just just dm me.
and then also just be patient with if you
post in the group for your scripts,
just be patient, OK, because we have
to manually send those all out.
So we appreciate your patience.
Also, it’s going to take a while
for the Zoom recording
to actually go get processed.
So it’s over an hour long.
Those always take quite a while.
But but all of you guys who are
in the chat bot, which I think
there were one hundred twenty of you.
So I think that’s like pretty
much everyone who attended.
I also sent you a message through my chat
bot with the link for the 30
day free trial in it.
So and then I think there was another one
that went out about the event as well.
So if you guys need that link later,
if you want to think about it
and you need the link later, it should be
in that little chat about message for me.
OK, it’s under my name.
So I hope that helps.
Guys, let’s give Paulson
a a round of applause.
Er clap.
OK, he did an amazing job and Paulson.
I love your energy
and I you’re so captivating as a speaker
so I can’t wait to have
you speak at my event.
I’m so honored and excited.
I’m so excited.
I’m like it’s the people.
I don’t even know how to explain to people
how much value there is
without being too Scelzi.
Like I’m driving myself to be not too
Scelzi and be like, yo, yo,
you don’t want to miss this.
Like, I promise you,
this is one of the best events
you’re going to see this year.
Yeah, it’s going to be great, guys.
So thank you again so
much for your time today.
Everyone just reach out.
Any questions, OK?
And have a blessed day.
Thanks for having me, Christine.
Thank you.
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0:00 Intro
01:10 Paulson’s Introduction
06:55 “Why agencies are the perfect GoHighLevel SaaS providers”
16:24 “Recommended SaaS Pricing Model”
19:35 “Prospecting with 4 Social Media Channels”
32:48 Hybrid Agency Sales Map
35:32 Messaging
37:45 “Gated vs Non-Gated”
44:01 “How to crush your sales calls”
46:59 “Doยดs and Dont`s of SaaS”
49:35 “Big announcement”
55:20 Takeaways!
57:47 Q: “Do you go over how to set up onboarding automation?”
58:09 Q: “What is SaaS mode?”
59:07 Q: “Would it be a smart idea to upload scrape lists to GHL and do cold e-mails from there?”
01:00:09 Q: “Where do I get my VA?”
01:02:43 Q: “What is the best way to get the cold marketing done on the GHL platform?”
01:02:59 Q: “What system are you using to send 500 emails a day?”
01:03:54 Q: “Can you give a quick example of a demo?”
01:06:24 Q: “Would solo and agency owners be considered a niche?”
01:06:49 Q: “How do I get the replay?”
01:07:35 Q: “What is the best niche data scraper to get the best info for your niche?”
01:09:46 Q: “How would you get your first three SaaS clients without spending money on a VA, ads, etc.?”
01:11:02 Q: “I would like to get the sales conditions”
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